WHY NOT??? What's the point of spending all this time and energy and cash electing a new President when the one we've got is still kickin'? Let's all unite and say NO MORE BUSH AND GORE!!! WE WANT FOUR MORE GLORIOUS CLINTON YEARS!!! |
THE CONTINUING TOP 40 POLITICAL COMEDY FAVOURITE! Big Beats Wilson and Slim Boy Phats belt out this little ditty about the president and his little friend. Hardcore to tha max (not unlike little Willy himself). And if this current election drags on any longer, maybe we'll have four more years of Bubba! |
MP3.com CD: The Parking Lot Sessions - buy it!
The Doc heard this particular commercial, and just had to wonder what the heck the big deal was. Seemed to him that wishing for a different set of genitals is a awful stupid and pointless thing to do. But hey, if yer life revolves around yer wang, maybe this product is for you. |