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    He pulled his head away from the goggles.

    His eyes weren't used to the world; his vision swam in a sea of black spots for several seconds.
    The salt of that sea washed over him all at once; his eyes watered in protest, and he clutched at them feverishly.

    As he tried to appease his mistreated eyes, he was struck with the sudden urge to stand straight up; his chest filled with a warm, building sensation, and his eyes stopped watering, leaving no choice but to obey.
    He did so, with delighted curiosity.

    As his eyes focused, he perceived he was not alone; he could make out a great number of colored blobs that reminded him frighteningly of faces. Adrenaline at once slammed into his veins, making him shiver violently for a split second while his body adjusted.

    Then he could see.

    He found himself in the midst of a great crowd of people, all of them staring at him with the most loving expressions he could imagine. Before he had a real chance to be afraid, his heart lost control of itself and he started crying from sheer wonder and relief.

    He sank to his knees, his body shaken by sob after sob; his heart refused to stop, and filled his head with as much glorious light as it could manage.
    He turned his tear-streaked face upward and stared at them, helplessly, with what he imagined was a heartbreakingly sorrowful expression.

    "You made it. Welcome. Come meet Dad!"

    Two of the crowd helped him to his feet, hugging him and back-patting him in the process. When he was ready, they helped him walk forward; the sea of people parted before him lovingly, each person on the new borders of the crowd reaching to touch his shoulder, shake his hand, muss his hair. He started to smile for them, in spite of himself.

    "You know what you have to do, first."

    He bent to his knees and started to pray. Immediately he could hear the murmuring voices of the crowd behind him as they joined him.

    "Do you accept Jesus as your saviour?"

    (intangr). Gone crispy.
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    "beauty"genre: Electronica
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    I like it, anyway. Probably the prettiest song here, even though that's not saying much..
    Credits: (intangr); otherwise known as Jeff Johnson.
    "beauty- Generica Mix"genre: Happy Hardcore
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    Hehe.. my first remix! A bumpin', bassy remix of Beauty. Give it a listen; tell me if it's good!
    CD: Nope..
    Credits: Me. (inta)-Oh, you know the drill.
    "rainshower"genre: Experimental
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    A strange little ditty; kind of a cool little beat section in the middle coupled with vaguely storm-like effects..
    CD: Nope.   Label: Nah-ah.
    Credits: Me. (intangr). No one else yet...
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