Who said you couldn't use words like "before", "the", "all", "this" and "is" in one song? As unbelievable as it seems it has been done. Here it now. As an added bonus, this song was a favorite of some people we knew. |
CD: There are only so many ways to break a circle
Label: EBA Records
Take a magical journey in back alleys and rooftops of downtown Quebec city in the winter. Follow Philippe and Dan has they periously jump from one building to another and almost break their necks. Laugh at the inadequacy of the vocabulary used in the lyrics. But most important, reflect on animal cruelty and its intricate link to cold weather. |
CD: There are only so many ways to break a circle
Label: EBA Records
Written by our friend Kandis, this song deals with sexual politics and homophobia. My pronounciation on this one is amazingly bad, but the song is great, sorry for messing it up. |
CD: There are only so many ways to break a circle
Label: EBA Records