Episode 2: MAY THE TITILLATION BE WITH YOU... Trapped in a Wrestlemania match on Planet Hollywood, our beloved Captain comes face to face with Arnold. Will the power of Titillation be enough? Will the Captains laser sword last? Will Dr. Sherly A. Goodbottom ever get a plot vehicle of her own? Find out all this and more in this 5 minute conclusion to Episode 2! |
SEASON FINALE CLIFFHANGER - A discovery from Mars brings unexpected consequences. What will Sherly A. Goodbottom's discovery bring to the KTREK crew? Will the captain turn into a prune? Find out all this and more in the first half of the final conclusion to the end of the first season of KTREK! |
SEASON FINALE - CLIFFHANGER - As the crew blasts off at warp speed in search of the source of Dr. Goodbottom's discovery, who knows what new surprises this will bring. Is the captain still in the shower? What are the Professor's mysterious plans? Find out all this and more in the final shocking episode of KTREK! |