This joint is fire. It's the first song from my debut album, "North by Northwest" that I passed out to radio stations around here. Bangin' beat by oddISee...Chi-town, baby! |
CD: North by Northwest
Label: Banarnar Records
Credits: Lyrics - SoulStice, Beat - oddiSee, Production - sm.arson |
Nothing short of an underground Hip Hop classic. SoulStice, Essohess, and Jugga The Bully...need I say more? |
CD: Unreleased
Label: Unreleased
Credits: Beat and Production - Mark "The Spark," Jugga The Bully appears courtesy of Underworld Recordings (1997) |
"Let your brainwaves lap, I'm the moon controlling tides..."
This beat was originally entitled "Pulse." When I wrote to it, that concept really came out, so I kept the title. This was originally intended for "North by Northwest" but got replaced by a remix of sorts. So enjoy, it's somewhat of an exclusive. |
CD: mp3.com exclusive
Label: Banarnar.com
Credits: beat - sm.arson |