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Only a few tracks from the 13 CDs are displayed on this page. To hear the other tracks, click on the names of the CDs on the left.
Watch the music slide show! (RealPlayer, 56K)
New CD! (October, 2003)
Back Home
New CD! (October, 2003)
Click Me
New CD! (August, 2003)
Spirit Forever
Back Home
includes the song "Laura Amora, The Lovely" and 18 other folk, blues, and children's songs.
Click Me
includes the songs "Click Me (Sex, Money, Power)," "Plasma 5 End to End," and 15 other songs.
Spirit Wing One and
Spirit Forever
are companion CDs that present songs of the Spirit.
Songs of War
is a collection of songs about nuclear war.
Cosmic Mountain
is an ambient remix of my CD Lost Mountain. It sounds very different from the original.
Get them both! for comparison.
Cosmic Venus
is an ambient remix of my CD Showtime on Venus. It sounds very different from the original.
Get them both! for comparison.
On Haiku-choo Chew you'll hear me reading some of my haiku and other poetry,
interspersed with unusual sounds and music that you've never heard before!
Lost My Head at Forest Pond is mostly
instrumental music in a variety of genres:
rock groove, blues rock, alternative, experimental,
and children's music. The two songs with vocals are
"Jitterbugging Waterbugs" and "Waltzing Brown Bears."
Be careful! The music of the animals that gather around,
and on, Forest Pond can make you lose your head!
The CD Showtime on Venus is 60 minutes of esoteric, whimsical, melodic, harmonic, rhythmic
instrumental music, created entirely with algorithmic composition software.
You can buy the full CD, which contains 16 tracks, or buy Showtime on Venus, Left Half, which contains
tracks 1 - 8, or Showtime on Venus, Right Half, which contains tracks 9 - 16.
Showtime on Venus was reviewed very favorably by Bill Binkelman of Wind and Wire.
The CD Lost Mountain is three long jams, ranging from playful to ominous, using synthesized instruments.
The CD Absolute Silence is the perfect gift for someone who has heard it all!
It's a collector's item, for connoisseurs of the avant-garde, Dadaists, philosophers,
students of metaphysics, lost souls, extremists. A great gag gift!
Tired of all the noise? When it's your turn on the CD player, give your
ears a rest. Demand Absolute Silence!
About the CD Absolute Silence, the MP3.com Artist
Support Team wrote: "We think it's great."
"The silence CD sounds wonderful. Good luck with your numerous pursuits,
and thanks for reading my book. Gassho," Dinty W. Moore, author of
The Accidental Buddhist and other books and magazine articles.
Jim Nayder, "Host for Life"
of The Annoying Music Show on NPR and BBC, had this to say about
the CD Absolute Silence: " ".
Yes, Jim, we used spellcheck on your comment as you requested.
Miriam Solon, webmaster and editor of DharmaPop: The Buddhadharma in
Pop Culture at the Buddhist Temple of Chicago, wrote this about the CD Absolute Silence: "This takes annoying music to a different
level and completely turns it inside out. Please accept this gift of amateurish emptiness in appreciation for your
well-crafted silence. I look forward to not hearing it."
Jack Diamond, leader of The Jack Diamond Band and Trio,
and host of The Jack Diamond Morning Show on
MIX 107.3 FM radio, had this to say about Absolute Silence: "I LOVE it! Care to send us a "review copy"? : )"
Absolute Silence is mentioned in the March/April, 2001 issue (No. 34) of
Adbusters magazine
on page 15 at the bottom of the column "The M.E. (Mental Environment) Index."
(The CD is mentioned in the print edition only, not on the website.)
Adbusters' Senior Editor James MacKinnon concludes the item by writing, "As of mid-January,
Savage had earned just 46 cents from MP3--but the Index always appreciates the sound
between the notes." Thank you!
The CD Rain & Crickets, Vol. 1 is soothing, relaxing, calming, comforting.
Recommended as a background for falling asleep or doing those chores indoors on a sunny
day when you'd rather be outside.
MP3.com CD: Back Home - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Back Home - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Back Home - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
Song about an almost-disastrous sailing experience, written in a traditional style folk song about sailing disasters. |
MP3.com CD: Back Home - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2002 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Back Home - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
Is it rap or a parody of rap? Or is it both? Is it sincere or is it comedy? Or both? You decide. The words after the last chorus are entirely different from the rest of the song. Mix 4 |
MP3.com CD: Click Me - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2001 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Click Me - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Click Me - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Click Me - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Forever - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Forever - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Forever - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Forever - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Wing One - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
An upbeat prayer for everyone to unify their loving spirit and send it straight up to God. Incorporates the idea of God as female. |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Wing One - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
Only one thing exists. We are it; it is us. |
MP3.com CD: Spirit Wing One - buy it!
Credits: Copyright 2003 David M. Savage |
This is one of three anti-war songs I wrote in 1982 after hearing Helen Caldicott speak. It seems appropriate now too. |
MP3.com CD: Songs of War - buy it!
CD: Songs of War
Credits: Copyright 1982, 2001 David M. Savage |
This is one of three anti-war songs I wrote in 1982 after hearing Helen Caldicott speak. It seems appropriate now too. |
MP3.com CD: Songs of War - buy it!
CD: Songs of War
Credits: Copyright 1982, 2001 David M. Savage |
I wrote this song in 1985. It seems appropriate now too. |
MP3.com CD: Songs of War - buy it!
CD: Songs of War
Credits: Copyright 1985, 2001 David M. Savage |
Absolute silence is the precursor, basis, background, foundation, and frame of all sound and hence of music. Although inspired by the works of John Cage, Erik Satie, early Yoko Ono, other avant-garde artists, musicians, and composers, Zen, and Taoism, this CD does not merely mimic their works, but extends them to an ultimate conclusion or presupposition. Originally presented as ten seconds of silence in 1996 on the website that is now www.SavageHeart.com, this CD presents a full 60 minutes of absolute silence, formatted as three separate tracks of 20 minutes each, due to the 20 MB file size limitation of the mp3.com D.A.M. CD format. |
MP3.com CD: Absolute Silence - buy it!
CD: Absolute Silence
Credits: Copyright 2000 David M. Savage |
The beavers at Forest Pond are rockin' again. Out on the pond they swim out from under their houses. Each one brings some sticks and they all together build a large beaver lodge. After a community potluck dinner, they get up on top of the lodge and party, party, party, drinking pond water, chewing on twigs, and dancing the night away under the stars. |
MP3.com CD: Lost My Head at Forest Pond - buy it!
CD: Lost My Head at Forest Pond
Label: MP3.com
Credits: Copyright © 2001 David M. Savage |
Frogs get enlightened not by a kiss from a princess, but by sitting very still for a long time, and then suddenly hop, hop, hop. This music paints the frog enlightenment process, how they feel, and what they do afterwards: sit very still for a very long time, and then hop, hop, hop. No, they do not turn into rabbits, although rabbits also hop. An enlightened frog is, after all, still a frog. |
MP3.com CD: Lost My Head at Forest Pond - buy it!
CD: Lost My Head at Forest Pond
Label: MP3.com
Credits: Copyright © 2001 David M. Savage |
The orchestra tunes up. The show is about to begin. The Mercurian marionettes tighten and loosen their strings reflexively, eager to dance. Pink Plutonian plants form a large spinning circle around the dervish Saturnian senseis. From everywhere, near, far, and farther, come the stars, moons, and suns of destiny. Neptunian noodlettes linger near the fringes of the galaxy. Everyone wants a good seat. It's Showtime on Venus! |
MP3.com CD: Showtime on Venus - buy it! MP3.com CD: Showtime on Venus, Left Half - buy it!
CD: Showtime on Venus
Credits: Copyright 2000 David M. Savage |
Dancing around the volcano. Everyone has a drum or rattle. The Moon is singing. Stars join in three by three. Around and up the sides of the volcano in the moonlight. The volcano speaks of wonders as yet unseen, unheard. A jester dressed like a firefly threads his way through the patterns of the interweaving celebrants. They are determined to reach the top. |
MP3.com CD: Showtime on Venus, Right Half - buy it! MP3.com CD: Showtime on Venus - buy it!
CD: Showtime on Venus
Credits: Copyright 2000 David M. Savage |
Dramatic reading of song descriptions from my CD "Showtime on Venus." You can't imagine this until you hear it. Then you can imagine several universes at once. Sounds and music, silly and otherwise, garnish the main course. I must have been hungry when I wrote this paragraph. |
MP3.com CD: Haiku-choo Chew - buy it!
CD: Haiku-choo Chew
Credits: Copyright © 2001 David M. Savage |
Lost and found poignant poems, mixed up with strange sounds and unfamiliar music. Have we been here before? Never. Do we remember the time before? Absolutely. How is this possible? One not-haiku surprise, somewhere between. Chilling and warming. Listen, listen. Your heart is beating. Is your skull empty or full? Or something in between. Between the words, what do you hear? |
MP3.com CD: Haiku-choo Chew - buy it!
CD: Haiku-choo Chew
Credits: Copyright © 2001 David M. Savage |
I improvised and recorded this composition on the Presidential Election Day in 1988. It reflects my mood at the time. Length of the piece is 15:57. |
MP3.com CD: Lost Mountain - buy it!
CD: Lost Mountain
Credits: Copyright 2000 David M. Savage |
Dancing around the volcano. Everyone has a drum or rattle. The Moon is singing. Stars join in three by three. Around and up the sides of the volcano in the moonlight. The volcano speaks of wonders as yet unseen, unheard. A jester dressed like a firefly threads his way through the patterns of the interweaving celebrants. They are determined to reach the top. |
MP3.com CD: Cosmic Venus - buy it!
Credits: Copyright © 2001 David M. Savage |
"Rain and crickets" was recorded on August 22, 1990, from about 8:00 to 8:45 p.m., on the screened-in front porch of an old wooden house on North Edgewood Street in Arlington, Virginia, United States. Occasionally a plane flies overhead on its way to or from National Airport, or a car drives by. Periodically, acorns fall from a nearby tree. |
MP3.com CD: Rain & Crickets, Vol. 1 - buy it!
CD: Rain & Crickets, Vol. 1
Credits: Copyright 2000 David M. Savage |