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The Raving Lunatics | mp3.com/RavingLunatics |
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This is a message to mp3.com. You should support those who support you, not kick them for supposed gaming. Artists have worked hard to promote and build this site into the biggest music site on the web, and they also have the power to build another site when you aren't being reasonable(which you aren't). Be fair, reinstate artists you have unfairly kicked and cough up the cash you owe them(which I suspect is the real reason you kick them.) Cheers, Not a Raving Lunatic Here is a message from one of the artists; Thank you mp3.com! You used us to promote your page. Thanks us artists that you are as big as you are now. Without our help you would be nothing! A small point in the big internet. We PAY you 20$ a month only that we can be on your page! And what is your thank? You BAN us from your page and tell us we are cheaters? You should think about carefully who the cheater is. Is it the "bad crowd" or is the big force which inhibits the smaller ones? Just think about it. Without our help you would be nothing.... mp3.com, you abuse us!!! Dominik, abused mp3.com artist
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