Please check my other acts out as well.
[NOTCH] and [Carbon Based Lifeforms]
Listen to Radio Oxygenial. Presented here to you in either LoFI or HiFI.
Listen to my latest track Preparation H (01-01-2003). LoFI or HiFI.
250000 plays mark passed!
Preparation H - The first song of 2003 is up!!!
After a busy weekend, my latest creation "Dream Of My Life" is done!
0 8 _ J A N U A R Y _ 2 0 0 3
250000 plays mark passed
0 1 _ J A N U A R Y _ 2 0 0 3
The first song of the year 2003 is up! It's called Preparation H and is my first PsyTrance for years!
0 1 _ D E C E M B E R _ 2 0 0 2
Dream Of My Life is available to you after a busy weekend! Give it a listen and then, please give me your thoughts!
2 0 _ N O V E M B E R _ 2 0 0 2
My latest song I've Got Your Love is now available! Give it a listen and then, please give me your thoughts!
3 1 _ O C T O B E R _ 2 0 0 2
Airdust is finally done and now available at this site! Hope you'll like it, I do. Give it a listen and then, please give me your thoughts!
More hits will come. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me!.
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