This is an MP3.Com exclusive track soon to be featured on the upcoming independantly realeased E.P. "Subliminal Insomnia" but for now I aint even sweatin it you could have it for free.... So get it while the gettin's good. |
CD: Subliminal Insomnia
Label: P.A.I.D./Openingdoors Records
Credits: BaronVonStruck- MC,Beats,Producer,Engineer. Pete Ross- Guitars |
Lets call it an educational song. |
Label: BVS Productions
Credits: Dopermien |
Q: What do you get when the Baron and his boys from PA drink 3 cases of beer?A: The feelgood hit of 2001 thats what |
Label: BVS Productions
Credits: Baron Von Struck{MC}----Cactus Lak{MC}----Strapwrench Joe Duggan{MC} |