Less glam than PROG. Inspired by the Lamb Lies Down On Broadway ("Gabriel" mixed with "Rael"), as well as the classic final lyric from the Beatles' "The End" (not the Doors song that we mocked on "Strange in a Weird..."). ALSO, inspired by Bruce Joel Rubin's thought-provoking screenplay for "Jacob's Ladder." All in all, we had a lot of inspirations for this song, but it wasn't all that inspired. |
CD: Equinox
Label: Pinkodisc
Credits: Jacob's Ladder meets Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid meets The End |
Named for a highway in Cincinnati (Route 562 from I-71, across the Ronald Reagan Highway -- yes, it is actually called that -- to I-75). This was the germ that later became "So Slow (to a Cigarette)" by the Gore Daughters. Yes, I recycle everything. Great trumpet playing by Brian Schwab, late of CCM and now in Chicago. |
CD: Equinox
Label: Pinkodisc
Credits: Trumpet playing by Chicago's very own Brian Lewis Schwab |
Written about me leaving for college, leaving behind something that I didn't want to leave. Lots of leaves. Lots of deciduous trees in Cincinnati. |
CD: Equinox
Label: Pinkodisc
Credits: Aaron's responsible for the pleasing bass introduction |