Alot of MP3 Artists call themselves "Drum & Bass" or "Jump Up" but fail to truely represent the style. Just because a track is fast, and contains Drums and a Bass, does not make it "Jump up"-or-"Drum&Bass" This Genre has a very distict Feel that is not being represented properly by alot of 303&808
Rebirth grooves. so with the "Return of StormBringer"we have taken it upon ourselves here at Plantnum NYC to REPRESENT! |
CD: Rinsa Jump
Label: Plantnum Records NYC
Credits: All Rights Reserved By Peter Malcolm 1999 |
ACTUAL DRUM AND BASS-NYC Style-Big BASSS--not 303 and not 808.Original Sounds ONLY!!
REAL Jump up!!!! |
CD: Rinsa Jump
Label: Plantnum/p8000
Credits: Peter Malcolm |
Indian tambora,with ambient organ. thunder in the backround |
CD: P8000
Label: Plantnum Records Inc.