The FREE Metalshop voicemail announcement, one
of the freakiest things you'll ever hear. Tweak
your answering machine on this and those annoying
salespeople will never trouble you again. Distribute freely! |
CD: Available on MP3.com only!
Label: n/a
Credits: Based on an ancient formal default greeting. |
Music for a parade of executioners through the corridors of Hell. Precisely 1 minute in length. By special request. <I>8-)</I> |
MP3.com CD: Over Wire: 1999 Demo - buy it!
CD: Firmware
Label: [pending]
Credits: Features, once again, the sounds of the Guyana massacre. |
JP-8000, gritty sampler and circuit-bent toy. |
Label: mp3.com
Credits: (C) 2002 Gary Douglas |