Story Behind the Song
The song "The War on Drugs" can be taken many different ways, and although I believe that lyrical content should be left mainly to the listeners interpretation, I feel that this song could use a little clarification.
I would not tell the uninformed to use or not use drugs. Drugs are a "Double-Edged Sword" in every sense of the expression. I will tell you that the song was inspired by some very enjoyable and enlightening times of my life experimenting with drugs, followed by many arrests, an overdose, and a brief stay in drug rehabilitation. I would not tell someone that they need drugs in their life any sooner than I would say they needed sex or religion. I can only share my experience.
I have always had a great disdain for the knowledgeable approach that the American government has had on the issue, spearheaded by Nancy Regan's ludicrous "Just Say No!" campaign. Hey Nancy, try telling "Just Say No!" to a junky that's got you held at gunpoint, or if you like, I can paint an even more vivid picture for you.
It's only a matter of time before that old battle-axe gets her big hair caught up in a ceiling fan, fails to gain balance in her ruby slippers, and rattles her 98 pound frame down a flight of stairs. I'm willing to bet that the first word out of her highness's mouth upon entering the emergency room is "Drugs!" Save the slogans for your Doris Day politics, we need education, not campfire songs.
Did I say education? That's a new one! But 9 out of 10 drug addicts found it to be a good substitute for bullshit while in recovery. Upon smoking marijuana for the first time, I soon found that it was not likely for me to scale the nearest skyscraper and prepare for a test flight, as the powers that be had suggested. I soon equated this with being a child and playing in the mud. Your parents told you not to play in it, but it was fun and nobody really got hurt. You can't just tell a child not to do something, you have to explain in detail, why or why not. Leave off the fictional reasons or they might find out the truth the hard way.
Anyway, the key is to educate yourselves and the ones you love. unfortunately, we can't trust a government that tells you that "Marijuana is Evil" and allows alcohol and nicotine to be a big part of a balanced breakfast for millions of Americans. Talk to someone who has a personal and not financial stake in answering your questions. There are tons of counselors and there is tons of literature. I am no stranger to AA or NA meetings, and I would be glad to help anyone who feels they have a problem, although treatment advice is better left to a professional. Find someone you trust and educate yourself.
Do not put your trust in generals with no battle experience. It is no secret that we're losing this war.
It was long ago,
seems like a dream,
The day I sucked the air
from a bottle of whipped cream...
And I got real high,
and things got real slow,
and I started talking like this...
What's going on, I don't know
and then I sold my car
for a Grateful Dead ticket.
And my dad yelled at me,
and he grounded me,
and he said I was a dick,
it was the worst day of my life.
And I'll never forget,
but the very next day I was doing bong hits
in the back of my friend's chevette
So don't tell me we're winning the war on drugs
'cuz drugs are like a big ol' can of raid,
and you're all little bugs.
And don't tell me to not get high,
'cuz I'm as low as I can get without kissing your ass
and blowing you at the same time.
Man, don't tell me about love and peace
when one of the Joneses has a handgun pointed at me.
Don't tell me to "Just Say No",
I'm an addict, I say no to letting it go
What ever happened to Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'Roll?
Now we've just got AIDS, crack, and techno.
So they busted me for selling dope.
And I went to jail, and I wasn't forgiven [and if I wasn't white, it was the kind of a night]
like that little fucker who shot the pope. [that they'd pull a Rodney King on the side of the curb]
And they said I had the right to remain silent,
but they couldn't explain
how I didn't resist, and I wasn't violent,
because all I've ever wanted is the right to remain
and they questioned me, and they asked me... Why?
I don't think I should be shot
for selling pot
its just my little way of saying "Hi"...
And now my record's all fucked up
and I'm not allowed to vote,
and two times a week they make me piss in a cup
when what I want to do is piss down their throats
And they told me that times have changed.
'Cuz our parents had Henrix, Janis, and Jim,
but what about River Phoenix [Chris Farley], and Kurt Cobain?
And they told me to praise the lord,
But I've been waiting for so long for him to call me back,
I think I'm gonna go pray at Betty Ford.
And they told me that life is fair,
But I can't smoke a plant that was made by God,
but I can kill my wife if I'm a football player