Story Behind the Song
This is one of my most popular songs in performance (I've gotten much better at singing it over the years.) People often ask about its origins. When I was little we used to chant "Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat." I added the line "If you don't I won't be sad. I'll just make you wish you had." I knew I had a great chorus for a song, but it took several tries to match it with a story. Once I came up with the troll, the verses almost wrote themselves.
After a show folks often tell me "That song about the troll is stuck in my head." If this happens to you please don't worry. It's all part of my benevolent plan to take over the world. ;-)
It was very late one Halloween night,
after all the trick-or-treaters were sound asleep.
I thought I heard a knock on my front door,
so I snuggled down deeper into my sheets.
The knock kept knocking, louder and louder.
Finally it knocked me wide awake.
I tumbled downstairs to see what was the matter,
yelled, "What do you want, for goodness sake?" and heard,
"Trick or treat, smell my feet.
Give me something good to eat.
If you don't, I won't be sad.
I'll just make you wish you had!"
It was a tiny old troll with a long white beard,
a pointy red hat, and a crooked grin.
I said, "Listen kid, that's a really cute costume,
but I ran out of candy at half-past ten."
I slammed the door and I locked all the latches,
took two aspirin for my aching head,
went back to my room and was startled to discover
that rude little troll sitting on my bed! He said,
I decided to find out who was in the costume.
I pinned him down and yanked his beard.
The troll cried "Ouch!" and ran into the corner.
He hopped three times and disappeared.
I woke the next morning, happily believing
that the funny little troll was only a dream.
I turned on the TV, and guess who I saw singing
in his pointy red hat on channel three? He sang,
I flipped around through all the different channels.
Every single one was Troll TV.
I pulled the plug, but that was only the beginning.
All week long the troll pestered me.
He kept popping up in the least likely places.
Twenty three times I chased him away.
His crooked little grin was driving me crazy,
and by now you know all he had to say was
Finally I did the only thing that I could think of.
I bought a half-pound bag of sweets.
That day the troll was hiding in the bathtub
when I found him and I gave him his trick-or-treat.
He tucked the candy underneath his hat,
then he hopped three times and he disappeared.
And though he never did come back,
I still dream about the troll with the long white beard!
© 1992 Monty Harper