Lend me your crutch and I'll lend you my limp, this born again whore fucks just like a
pimp, and that cigar is still smoking where she practiced a blow job, but the star of the
show would rather give you a snow job.
And we just need some more meat to fill these plates, another unbalanced meal for these
un-united states.
We will believe anything; with no apology, it only takes one idiot to make an idiotology.
Hold spout; tear open; insert meaning here, funny how that touch of myopia makes
everything so clear, she hands him the letter with a knowing wink, didn't know a thought
could smell till I smelt you think.
Maybe devolution is at an all time high, all this digging in the dirt; makes it hard to reach
for the sky.
Love your neighbor; but hang him if he doesn't think like you, ten idiots swear by ten
points of view.
Make your stand to let someone else take the fall, imagine such deaf ears being able to
hear the call, he pretends not to notice that's two men, murder or love which is the bigger
It's so easy to see you know just what to do, it's obvious that god hates everyone but you.
It takes an idiot to know the way, maybe we'll all be idiots someday.