Imagine, if you will, all the world (or better yet, all the people of the world) as a carousel. We dance around in our chosen and unimportant little ways day in and day out from beginning to end, the dance never changing, merely the music. Money, power, time, science-all these important aspects of our civilization, our history, our thought are represented simply by this one model. And then imagine a single person, a man of no real importance, having an insane bout of thought one day that allows him to see the carousel for just an instant. Can that man really keep moving in circles after he's recognized that it's circles he's moving in?
No, we cannot. And so he breaks away, using his newfound perspective to seek out a new path to follow. He journeys around the carousel, careful to make sure the other dancers are safe, careful to make sure the circles don't spiral out of control. And while doing that, he lives an adventure outside the realms of possibility shared by the other figures on the carousel. He is free, but he is also responsible for them.
Eventually, while he may not realize it, the man who has broken away, assumes his own patterns of movement, taking him no further than the circles he was originally following. Still, he can go places and see things that no one else can. He's traveling in a pattern, yes-but not the same one as the rest of the world.
Now imagine that he is not alone; imagine that there are thousands like him out there-still many fewer than the pieces on the carousel-that are traveling in their own personal patterns, each seeing their own personal universes. Can you believe, Jill, that if you took all the things those horses saw and everything the normal pieces saw and combined them that you'd have a picture of the cosmos?