Story Behind the Song
As a long time fan of Gilbert and Sullivan, I thought it would be fun to write a patter song, but with very contemporary subject matter. I think they might approve.
Love and Romance Game
copyright 1988 Michael Cohen with Elizabeth A. Sumner
1) Once I was the victim of the widely approved dictum
That the heart should rule the mind
Love is caring, love is giving, love is sharing and forgiving,
Never mind that love is blind
But after taking chances on innumerable romances
That have ended up the same
No more sobbing no more pining, I am finally resigning
From the love and romance game
2) Now I won't be jealous when I see those handsome fellas
Pickin up on other dames
I won't fly into a tizzy when I see some dumb and dizzy blonde
Who's got no sense of shame
Cuddle up and almost lie on the same guy I've got my eye on
Then proceed to kiss and sigh [sigh]
Now that's the very sort of scene
That makes someone's aorta seem to shrivel up and die
3) Now I won't be troubled by those men who are the double
Of those men who trouble me
For I've always been attracted to the guys who've always acted
Like the guys I shouldn't see
I suppose it's self-defeating to be endlessly repeating my behavior,
That's common sense
Their resemblance to my father really wasn't worth the bother,
It was just coincidence
4) Now I won't be anxious, feeling like my heart just sank,
Just like it did those other times
As I nervously awaited, all made up with breath so bated,
For the sound of front door chimes [bing bong]
Was he fashionably late, or did he have another date,
Or did he crash on his way here
I'd never really know what made him never really show
But then he never really did appear
5) Now I won't be taking pills for sleeping, pills for waking,
Pills to get me through the day
Now I won't rely on cigarettes and getting high
On every drug that comes my way
I won't have to be resorting to the popping, shooting, snorting
That makes my mind go dim
Always hiding like an ostrich, always trying to find the off-switch
That would switch my mind off him