Story Behind the Song
Someone once told me that it is theoretically
possible to leap off the Los Angeles Pier and swim to Japan.
I have remembered that bit of wisdom for many years, possibly
because I rather hoped the person who said it would try. No such
luck but I got a song out of it.
Honey, Ive been sitting here alone again tonight,
Waiting for your footsteps in the hall.
I dont think youre showing up, and honey, that aint right:
You dont worry bout my heart at all.
So sayonara, honey; arreviderci, dear;
Das v danya, kamikaze man.
Go take a long walk off a short pier,
And call me when you reach Japan.
Honey, adios-ing you is bittersweet relief ---
Dont know why you do me like you do.
I give you love and money, but you only give me grief.
Giving ups the best I can do. (Chorus)
Some guys have a gift for going down in flames, I guess.
Trouble is, theyre not around to shovel up the mess.
Honey as you drift along en route to Tokyo,
Dodging mahi mahi in the sea,
Think about the nights you left me sitting home alone:
Home alone aint where Im gonna be. (Chorus)
Oh, honey, call me when you reach Japan.