Story Behind the Song
I was walking back into work from lunch one
day and we were talking about being rich-
I said "Millionaire---hell, I'd just like
to be a Thousandaire"
Some people have their millions, and their chauffered cars too.
'Spend their money on diamonds, a house by the sea of blue.
I guess as time goes by, they take it all with a grain of salt.
They dont worry about tomarrow, 'got enough cash in the vault.
I aint askin' for a mansion.
'Cause I would not be happy there.
You can have your limo driver.
I just want to be-
A Thousandaire
A Hatteras yacht is not for me, a Zodiac would do.
I dont need a red Ferrari as long as the Ford is runnin' true.
No use for a tailor, I buy whats off the rack.
You can have your pheasant underglass, just give me a "Mac Attack".
The more you have the more you want, the more you think you need.
I think I could be content with life at the slow speed.
Just give me my fair share of the American Dream.
A simple man, a simple plan, the life that is supreme.