Poetic Justice
I want to make a citizens arrest.
I want the human race picked up and thrown in the back of a cruiser.
I want you to stand trial for murder, rape, assault, fraud, B & E, harassment and theft.
There will be no bail.
There will be no due process.
You have abused your rights, all of them.
The evidence against you will be your own history.
The history you have documented, and the history you have conveniently covered-up and ignored.
Your trial will not be televised, just to piss you off.
You are guilty until proven innocent.
Your sentence will be carried out immediately following the trial.
There will be no appeal.
It will be carried out and enforced in a way Im positive you will not be able to understand....without prejudice.
All rise, court is now in session.
The defendants.
Big business, Politicians, The 5% of the people holding 95% of the cash. The lazy, the impolite and the ignorant.
Middle management types who will be referred to as "IT". Also, Hippies, Yuppies, suits, the beautiful people and any generation followed by a letter.
Money has been acquitted on all charges as its been discovered that it is only printed paper.
The people are being represented by all those who have a soul.
So Let me break it down, tear it down and strip it buck ass naked. Im tired of always being the one to move out of the way. From now on I stand my ground.
Im watching you.
Theres a riot going on behind all those brainwashed eyes. Anarchy has been replaced with apathy but its going to break. It cant last.
CEOs will be forced to spend time in the real world and experience the fallout of their bottom line.
Differences of opinion will no longer be a reason for war.
Government sanctioned murder can not be used as a defense unless followed by an insanity plea.
Politicians must submit to random lie detector tests. If caught they will be suspended for 10 games without pay.
Elected officials will have to sign on for sensitivity training to remind them of who "The People" are. The free rides over Baby.
All humans will have to explain themselves and then take full responsibility for their actions.
Parents must actually pay attention to their kids. TV is not a baby sitter.
Do you even know what role model means?
They had revolution. We Have retail. Were stuck with Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Lucien Bouchard, Paul Martin, all professional athletes, accept Trent Macleary. We have Howard Stern and Blow Job Bill. Who would you want your kids to be like?
We live in a world where buying cheap cigarettes smuggled through reservations in considered a civil disobedience. Go to a shopping mall and look at the blank stare and aimless wandering. Its Dawn of the dead with credit cards.
This trial is not for show. This is the mirror you avoid. There will be no Good cop, Bad cop. Just a holding cell and a phone book. Miranda, never heard of him.
Its jungle out there, a concrete jungle with new rules. Survival of the fittest no longer applies. Knowledge and work ethics have been replaced with brown noses and the ability to look busy.
Youll all at some point get the notice in the mail. You will all have to be on the jury. But dont panic, because everyday you pass judgment. Only this time it might actually make a difference. We are all defendants, prosecutors, judges and juries. Everyday we face trials, our own.
I want to make a citizens arrest.
I want the human race picked up and thrown in the back of a cruiser.
I want you all to look in the mirror and pass judgment on yourself.
No jail time, just justice.
All rise, court is now in session
Poetic Justice.
和ike Czuba 1999.