Our statement of Praise. Every thing we do, every song we sing, every move that we make, it's all for our savior Jesus Christ!! Psalms 19:1, Psalms 8:4, Rom 1:20, Col 1:16, Lam 3:22; Rom 12:1 |
Story Behind the Song
his was one of the first songs I wrote and one of the last that we recorded. The way I heard the song in my head, the vocal range of each verse moved higher and higher as the song progressed. This caused the overall range of the song to be extraordinarily wide; about 4 octaves. That proved difficult for the vocalists that we had whose combined range covered about 3 octaves. However, after God sent us D. Latif Alston, another 2 or 3 octaves were added to the range. Chris Ezell's baritone covered the bottom, D. Latif soared in the high ranges and Keith Brown fit perfectly in between.
For You
written by Deuce
© 1998
Everyday, I hear the declaration
of the heavens and the skies as they glorify your name
The way you hang the stars in space and pull the mountains from the seas
And it just shows to me the reason why you alone shall reign
For, Jesus, by you were all things created
Things in heaven and on earth, things I see and can not see
In your hand is the life of every living creature
And the breath of all mankind, so I lift my praise to thee (by saying)
Everyday I wake, and every single move that I make
And every breath I take, Jesus it's for you, for you
I'll go where you want me to go. And do whatever you say so,
I just want you to know, Jesus it's for you
And Lord your love to me it comes as a surprise
I'm amazed that I'm still living, It's a wonder I have breath
For my life has been a steady stream of selfishness and sin
And I heard the preacher say that my wages should be death
So I know that it's because of your great love I'm not consumed
If it were not for your mercy I would be in great despair
What is man that you are mindful?? And who am I that you care??
I don't know, but I know, I'm gonna tell it everywhere (I'm saying)
And then I think about, how, you came to save the lost
How you walked up the mountain, with that old rugged cross
You let them spit upon you, And you let them beat upon you
And you let them Pound their nails Into Your skin For me Oh Lord Why???
I don't know how why you did it, But I'm so glad that you did it.
I don't know just why you suffered, but I can't thank you enough
And since you gave your life that I might live, I'll live my life for you and even
die for you, Jesus, if you want me to, want me to, Oooww!!!