Story Behind the Song
Outrun is a song about society/life/living/dying...what happens next, what's going on..
Tom (Atkins/guitar) and I were kidding around with the digital harmony but left it on there even though I think it kinda sounds creepy, I like it. This album was written in the summer of 1997, two takes, the first in 1997, the second take earlier this year, 2000. I hope you enjoy it.
What would you do without your famous little beans? Could you wake up gently, or would you want to lay there and scream. What would you do if the count-down ever pieced together that lonely description we try so hard to forget. So, keep the faith, to keep us safe to keep us children warm at night.
Because, you can't Outrun destiny, because you can Outrun destiny.
But who really would want to, don't you think it's fun to worry about your green? Another one is lying, to another dying. Do you wonder if they found out what it means to that poor little baby born craving, and there's it's mother walking out the door, but ces't la vie now it's history. Will it keep repeating itself?
Because you can Outrun destiny.
And that is the brighter side, when love and life and friends and family all confide to, keep the faith to keep us safe, and keep us children warm at night. So, please don't dispair by those chills in the air, because you know everything will turn out right.