Story Behind the Song
We always found something special about the "Red Letters" in the Red-letter edition of the bible. They always seem to get to the heart of the matter.
When I became a Christian I received a big black book.
Heavy reading, sometimes hard, too much I overlooked.
Then one day a friend told me that no one knows it all...
Listen for the Master;s voice and hear the Master's call - start reading those
Red Letters, like the writing on the wall
Start reading those, Red Letters
I believe they say it all,
Red letters, tell me what I need to know.
I know what really matters cause my Jesus tells me so.
Swear by nothing, keep it simple,
just say "Yes" and "No".
Turn your cheek to those who curse you,
don't trade blow for blow.
Take your cross & follow me,
I'll put you to the test.
Come, my yoke is easy,
turn to me I'll give you rest.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
blessed are they that mourn.
Blessed are they who search for God
for they shall be reborn.
Blessed are the merciful, and
Blessed the pure in heart.
Rejoice to be put down for Christ
that's where the Kingdom starts.
Caesar's coin is Caesar's coin,
it's his to give and take.
The gold is not the temple,
and I'm sure it's no mistake.
That when i serve the least of these
I serve the Son of Man, and
All He wants is all I've got
and everything I am.