Story Behind the Song
I started out by coming up with a strage title while camping, "Hike Like a Tree." It was just a funny idea, and I wanted to see if I could come up with a way to make the title make sense in a song. Much to my suprise, thinking about that resulted in imagining what the experience of being a tree might be like and the words came to me while sitting in a coffee shop one day. Seven years later and countless hours of working to perfect the idea in musical terms we finally got it finished.
Hike Like a Tree
I was sitting on the couch at the party
Feeling stressed because my life was going nowhere
So I went out back, and layed on the lawn
Underneath a big tree
And the tree seemed so calm
With it's leaves flowing in the cool night air
And I wondered aloud how it could find such peace
Living it's life in just one place
I talked to the tree, and it talked to me
Silently, with emotion
And it told me how to let the world come to me
How to hike, like a tree
So I stretched my limbs
And raised my ming high into the sky
I saw the traffic moving through the city
And the birds flying by
I saw all the people at the party
And the moon swimming through the clouds
And I watched as the turning Earth swept up the stars
As they came spilling out from the sea
For a hundred years or more
I saw towns and people come and go
I let the world come to me
As I hiked like a tree
I was lying on the lawn, when a friend touched my arm
Wondering what had become of me
"Well, for the last hundred years or so," I said,
"I've been hiking like a tree."