Story Behind the Song
This song is about how vivid and colorful our dreams are and our world is, if only we can begin to appreciate each shade. The music motivated my lyrics. Alfredo Cardim, a brilliant, Brazilian composer, had already recorded the song as an instrumental.He asked me to put words to it. When I heard his music, I could see lush green valleys, long beaches of white sand and blue ocean; hillside of flowers and lovers lying in the midst of everywhere. It took one take to record this one. The musicians played, I sang, and it was a done deal.
Written by: Alfredo Cardim & Dee Dee McNeil
We are souls, young and old, rich as queens.
And we climb, through our minds, to our dreams.
These shades of life, from beige to black of night, pretty flowers, many colors.
As soft as white, and luminous as light, - people parade - colors cascade.
Every shade of brown draws precious, earthly beauty from the ground; and sun tanned bodies spill in old Brazil, against a distant hillside.
A blend of gold, that paints the hand I hold, happy laughter - ever after.
For God has planned the color of each man - we are brothers, multi-colored. Life's not simply black and white, but painted rainbow shades, a lovely site. And we were meant to be, whatever dreams we see - so paint reality with colored dreams.
Life's not simply black and white but painted rainbow shades, a lovely site. And we were meant to be, whatever dreams we see, paint reality - ain't nothin' but colored dreams. Colored dreams ...
Adlib: Life ain't nothin' but colored dreams
We are souls young and old, but rich as kings and queens - climb through your mind to your dreams.... Technicolor dreams...... Every life's a rainbow ... pretty rainbow .... rainbow of colored dreams.....