Story Behind the Song
The Grim Reaper cannot make it. So his pet he has sent. The Black Rooster is out of his pen, ladies and gentlemen. And you know what he wants? Your veins and blood!
On your death bed you wait, but whos this coming through the door, on two little legs, with a beak and a tail, the reaper cannot make it, so his pet he has sent, a death craving rooster, who squawks at your fate
On your sick bed he hops, up to your face Rooster struts, his beady eyes summon hell, and his black claws dig in
Woah, rooster, woah, rooster, woah, rooster, woah, woah, Black Rooster
Away you are taken, but Roosters not very strong, his flight remains low, so he drags you along, and as you scrape through gravel, you hear Rooster talk, its the sound of evil Satan, with a bird speaking the words
Theres no going back, Rooster has you in his grip, youre in a new land, made of feathers and pain
Rooster will take your soul, with its beak, and its roosters claw, hell take you to his pen, youll never live again
Hell peck, hell bite, hell eat you, youre human corn, and Roosters seen you, peck, peck, peck, pecka-peck-peck. pecka-Pecka-Peck