Story Behind the Song
this isan intro to a concept EP that i'm making at the moment
c= captain
dr= dr. naughty
p= plextor
d= delta6
d: captain
c: yes delta 6
d: I seem to be getting strange g patterns from quadrant 15
c: hmmm, that part of the cosmos has been desolete since the departure of the mother planet earth
p: the renegades left behind may have organized together and gained enough technology to send us a message of help.
c: good thinking plextor, delta6 open up the ionic ditributor and try to extract the signal coming from quedrant 15.
d: yes captain, ionic xtracor locked message on deck in 5,4,3,2,1. Message on deck sir!
c: stranger state your name, affiliation, and purpose immediatley.
dr: my name is dr. naughty, leader of the blue lotus federation. We are comprised of supposed left to die on the third planet from our sun.
c: and what do you want from us dr. naughty.
dr: I have pointed my sonic missile at your starship captain. Only your complete and total surrender can stop this process from completion.
c: let it be known dr. naughty that this startship will never surrender to the likes of you or any other in this great galaxy of ours.
dr: then I have no choice captain. Sonic blasters FIRE!
c: Delta6 raise photon shield, Plextor initiate nutron lock. PREPARE TO RETURN FIRE!
d: captain it's too late the sonic missiles have allready gotten us.
p: It's inside the main deck sir the sonic force is all around us.
d: the rhythms ar etaking over my body
p: the signal penetration is too strong
c: dear god stop this
p: I'm becoming one with the sound
d: can't fight the funk
c: nnooooooooooo