If I only had a dollar, for every beer I have consumed, I believe I'd have enough money to fill this hole damn room. Then I'd take us to the bar and I'd buy us a round and we'ld drink.
We'ld drink one to the Gipper, We'd drink one to my Mom, We'd drink one to the boys in the band everybody drink along. Til our heads in the sink and the vomits on our feet....let's drink.
If I only had a friend, she'd be the unlimited kind. She'd never run out of money she'd keep me drunk all the time. She would take me to the bar and she would buy us all around...and we'd drink.
We'd drink one to the Gipper, we'd drink one to my dad. We'd drink one for old times sake and to the wife that I never had.
Well let's drink tonight like we did last summer. Let's drink tonight like the night before. Let's all get fall down drunk and party naked in the front yard. And when we wake up in the morning we'll...drink some more.
Now everybody lets drink, chug a lug
Now everybody lets drink, chug a lug