Story Behind the Song
I was 8 years old as my Dad gave me to a very strict violin-professor. After 3 years and a lot of tears I ended my violin lessons.This song should be a little smiling help for all the parents, who let her children must do, what they never will.
CH: Come on, my boy and play bluegrass for me, bluegrass for me, pick your strings fast and free. Come on, my boy and play bluegrass for me, pick strings fast and free for me.
V1: Long ago as a baby, my father said this boy will be a star; In my very first of years Iīd seen no end of tears, īcause my daddy tought me how to pick guitar. CH: V2: As a boy of seventeen, Iīd like to hear Hard Rock in my car, īcause my daddy said to me, this is not a melody, go and pick your lesson on your new guitar. He said:CH: V3: Now Iīm here an old man, years gone by I didnīt become a star, in a bar a drunken boy, said, come on do me a joy, and play bluegrass-pick a lick on your guitar. CH: