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This is a praise and worship song that I am making available to all worship leaders. | MP3.com CD: Tunes For Him - buy it!
Credits: Words and Music John Pape, Jr. |
Story Behind the Song
When God says to His people, "Be holy becuase I, the Lord your God, am holy", He is not asking us to do the immpossible. God's holiness is the standard; as believers we are expected to walk in the way He illuminates for us; yet we are not expected to accomplish this process on our own.
So how do we become more holy? We do so by slowly yet faithfully walking in the light God has revealed to us. We are given the Scriptures as a written guide to personal holiness, and we are given the Holy Spirit as an indwelling Guide on this journey into conformity with the image of God. Fortunately, our father lights more of the path as we grow.
The holiness of God is an exceedingly high standard, a perfect standard. But it nevertheless one that He holds us to. He cannot do less. While it is true that he accepts us solely through the merit of Christ, God's standard for our character, our attitudes, affections, and actions is, "Be holy, because I am holy." We must take this seriously if we are to grow in holiness.
I love to worship my Creator and Saviour. To glorify Him with songs of Praise. Please feel free to use this song in your congregation if you are lead to do so. Also any comments are appreciated.
John Pape Jr.
Teach me to grow in faith
Show me the path to take
Fill me with the power
Of Your Holy Spirit
Set me apart
So I can seek your face
Every day.
I want to be Holy
As you are Holy
I want to be Pure
White as snow
I want to be Holy
Just like you.
Help me to walk in grace
Guide me LORD day by day
Copyright John Pape 2000
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