Well He rolled into town, He took a good hard look around. Standing there in his
uniform, he didn't make a sound. Well his Airborne patch was faded, from the Saudi sun. The medals that were on his chest, told of what he'd done. He is a soldier, and he's proud. He pledges allegiance, way out loud.
He will defend until the end. And when it's over, he'll train again. And he will
Back in America, home of the free and brave, stood a group of soldiers, gathered round a grave. One was in Grenada, the other Panama. Another turned and said now, let me tell you what I saw. Out in the desert, with a thousand miles of sand,
a hundred missiles overhead, falling to the land. And there was no water left to
drink, as they crossed that border in their tank.
They are soldiers and they're proud. They pledge allegiance way out loud. And when it's over, they'll train again, and they will win.
Stepping off the plane, in the morning rain, looking for the one she loved, she wanted to explain. I have decided, to work for Uncle Sam. I wanna be all I can, and far more than I am. Looking down into her eyes, her Daddy realized, that there was a Patriot, burning up inside. She is a soldier, and she's proud. She pledges allegiance, way out loud.
She will defend until the end. And when it's over, she'll train again. And she
will win.
We are America and proud. We pledge allegiance way out loud. And when it's
over, we'll train again. And we will win.