Story Behind the Song
Song started with a rippin' bass line, and the feel of the song progressed into a heavier style of Christian rock. It took a couple of weeks to finish the song. It took about six hours to record. The hardest part was perfecting Allen's drums. Everything is just flowing.
In my thoughts, you are there.
You give me peace when I am down.
Jesus, lover of my soul.
The clouds are low, You make me high.
Stuck in a tree, help me out.
Draggin' heavy chains, set me free.
In my heart, you are there.
In my closet, you are there.
So, break these chains, C'mon in.
Rest in me, my soul again.
Lord, my God, you set me on fire.
My soul burn hotter day follow day.
My speech distill as the dew.
Let my teaching drop as rain.
And as showers on the grass.
For I proclaim the Name of the Lord.
In my heart, you are there.
In my closet, you are there.
So, break these chains, C'mon in.
Rest in me, my soul again.
The blind lead the lame.
Leppers are cleansed.
By faith we must trust in Your Name.
Take your burdens to the Lord.
Out of the tree and on your way
Captivate me, in Your awesome power.
Your love is deeper than the sea.
In my heart, you are there.
In my closet, you are there.
So, break these chains, C'mon in.
Rest in me, my soul again.