Story Behind the Song
Heath Road is in Geauga County, northeast Ohio. It gave me a good feeling one day driving home from work. I was once planning to send a copy of the song to each resident of Heath Road, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.
I'm gonna live on Heath Road,
in a house big, white and old,
where those hills
mean so much to you and me.
High tension wires span those hills
and the rusty red barns linger on,
linger on and just live on.
Where those trees grow wild and green,
it's the best thing I've ever seen,
lay it down on old Heath Road.
You don't have to look at your ideal
as something that could be real,
just forget about that Idaho.
Where those trees grow wild and green,
it's the best thing I've ever seen,
lay it down on old Heath Road.
You don't have to look at your ideal
as something that could be real,
just forget about that Idaho.
Where the kids grow up on farms
and there's always cats out in the barn,
lay it down on old Heath Road.
You don't have to look at that ideal
as something that could be real,
just forget about your Idaho.
Where the trees grow wild and green,
it's the best thing I've ever seen,
lay it down on old Heath Road.
You don't have to look at that ideal
as something that could be real,
just forget about your Idaho.