Story Behind the Song
This tune supports my poem that came with the swiftness of a gift from above. Dance is the metaphor here and it relates to the balance between the EGO and the reality of our play. This song evolves into two other very exotic tunes that continue this "spiritual" little story and provides a climax. Buy the CD and have fun!! It has done very well in Europe for some reason!?
I wanna dance. I want to dance to the rhythms in stillness. I don't want to dance hanging on the edge of the stage whos timbers carry the weight of my own validity.
Lost in my mode of Yahudi - Petty, ego, constant struggle, breakdown, shakedown, boogie woogie, hootin shootie, to
the forefront of the need to find myself somewhere outside of myself.
I donít want to dance for the begging of pressed flesh, brought together in sequences of rhythms. In many ways I have nothing to do with those Rhythms, and that's the dance I wanna dance - CHANCE.
Each of us passes through lives, as
a chance of stepping stones like
planets skipping.
But even if you were an old Llama,
or perhaps a shoeshine boy,
nothing can measure up to what you
are, right now.
So float along the dance stream, and let the movement seperate you
from you, Float free, Dance Free, Be Free. FREE TO DANCE!!
I wanna Dance. To participate, communicate and correlate through the language of steps. These steps are my steps, yet they are your steps. And when your steps are my steps - then pressed flesh is pressed flesh -
brought together in a random sense of celebration;
The celebration not just of my steps, or of your steps, but of OUR steps! I WANNA DANCE