Story Behind the Song
Are you tired of all the danga mouth eMCees, rah rah ?evers?
so was I...basically the song is about the misrepresentation of the hip-hop culture by the corperate world , & societies acceptance of the industry picture, & not the voice of the people! Hip-HOP culture is the voice of today's youth, & it won't allow continued basterization attempts to $ell its soul away.
"FrESh miNTs"
Do you really think something will stop it? what i'm talking about is the body rocking & the popin', come on while your trippin in just hippin & i'm hoppin', getting sweated by Po PO & its happening to often, dig it, my fresh mint intent, to clean vocal hygene step into the place & just phunk the bass, we on a paper chase? no time to waste, put that soul to SOUL CLAP face to face, its the S,O,U,L, clap rockwell on some phuck the system shit , boy, can't you tell, 420 rings bells like deja vu, put my laser disc on taser & fade your crew, who? what? U think we playing @ this rhymesayin', REBUMPABLE, displaying COMMUNICATIONS, moved way in the cutz to move butts, drink up groove on us, a "BuMP kiNG" beatdown for fresh mint lovers!
It ain't nuthin' to get the party started...
Clap will get you heated if FREEdom was all you needed...