Story Behind the Song
This song was written in an auto assembly plant as the anthem for the newly formed Sillies and was used as the opening number for most live shows.
I've had to fight just to keep what's mine
Always someone trying to push me back into line
Might use words, a gun, or a knife,
But there's always someone there to try to run your life
I don't want no trouble, I'm just young & alive
I want to get some action while I've still got the drive
When I feel my instincts, I've got to obey
'Cause in a few years, I just won't feel the same way
I've gotta Break Loose, break free; be.
Most jobs are nothing but a one-way ride
A forced march on a treadmill 'til you die inside
When you're finally free, you lie in the sack
Bitter 'bout the years you can never get back
The dreams and schemes that you once pursued
Are dead, and you're living just for sleeping and food
Finally, you're nothing, 'cept lazy and fat
I'd rather be dead than end up like that
You've gotta Break Loose, break free; be.
Most people's lives are over before they've begun
they say I'm going to Hell just 'cause I like to have fun
Well, let 'em be holy, while I get around
They'll be just as dead as I am when we're both in the ground
I don't give a damn about what people think
Especially ones who act like their shit don't stink
And I don't need bitches with their nose in the air
They can use their finger, for all I care
I've gotta Break Loose, break free.
Lyrics © 1977 Nebula Records/Scott Campbell Music (ASCAP)