Might as well let myself get old, marry a doctor do what I'm told, forsake my grace, be commonplace, if I can't face my own face. You've found religion, now you're off the hook. Got it all locked up in your little book. Said hail Mary and washed your hands of me. Now you can die quietly. Don't want to make God mad, you do as you should, put a lid on this weird love. You know He wants you bad, if you could just be good, put a lid on this weird love. Jesus is coming better look busy. The heat of his wrath will make you dizzy. And those who stray will live in agony they say, but you always did anyway. Don't
want to make God mad, do as you should, put a lid on this weird love. You know He wants you bad, if you could just be good, put a lid on this weird love . . .You say it's not too late to renounce my sin, put a lid on this weird love. When you're at Heaven's gate, you'll wanna get in put a lid on this weird love, put a lid on this weird love, put a lid on this weird love.