And then the pulpit of the eclipse device, the mystical chant from the wizard of paradise, the hum of unlearned languages stifle tongues, breathing beautys perfumed soul conquers lungs, the order of the planets behind heavens eyes, lead to the fertile valley of a thousand whys, Corinthian columns of the palace challenge every bluff, deities of the bone for the love of star built stuff, and the futures ghost caught in the lure of the landlords weather, and a broken bird trying to learn to forgive the feather, the whirling whining grind of viable motion, metabolic engine turning gears of devotion, the placebo of chance puts an ache in the exhaust, magnificently moving in the direction of lost, the heat of a light drains the blood of a shadow, as soft cylinders sing the lament of the fuel flow, and the road doesnt know how to mirror the map, so the key to the kingdom is the blueprint of the trap, scaffold of the night; construction staggers clockwise, the organic fabric of myth to mechanize.
And then the burden of the bone laden spirit, only the lay of the landscape to steer it, manifested monument; the life of deeds, the sex in the schism of the world that breeds, the hero claims a vision to shape his blindness, but the gods deny the mortal coil this kindness, so in the twilight the colors merge to muck and magic, and the earth recites the engine of the tragic, ancient rivers baptize the reborn rain, as clouds of wonder advertise their bane, the hum increasing to an infinite primal roar, piston plays the martyr to motions whore, enchanted and lust driven by her supple destination, and so the genius of hunger makes a meal of temptation, abstract motive in search of the concrete cure, thoughts incognito the stage props of action pure, waiting is a hunger that will forever feed, the loins of harvest and the god city seed, blond hair and white dress; accidental goddess frame, the way back to glory thru the wreckage of this shame.
And then the madness of the moon descending jury, the laws amended by the engines fury, running like watercolors into a desperate rainbow, the sky whispers omens of what the earth will never know, compass or clock is it a place or a time, judge of engineers meddle in the Eden of crime, real estate angels lead the holy to the dead, false prophet bankers invest in gods shrunken head, bibles and bullets of atomic renaissance waste, the rider a fast victim of where the road has been placed, as the serpent glides thru the graveyard of antique constellations, the cartographer of souls traces dead end destinations, back to the origin the seed the seminal alter of ego, the eye of the sacrifice the knife influenced by moon glow, and now beauty the blood of a memory ebbs out of season, the engine rebuilt by the bloodstained hands of reason, anonymous epitaphs await the unanimous ode, now all circuits are tied and tangled in bootleggers code, new Jerusalem machinery choking on bone and rust, the city the engine the rider united in dust.
Nov-dec 98