Story Behind the Song
You see them every day walking down the streets, sleeping on the sidewalks holding up those signs. But do you ever think about what if you were "Homeless"?
This song addresses the need for us to be more compassionate towards people less fortunate than us. It's more then about giving money. Though you may not consider yourself wealthy, you can still help. Not by just giving materal items but by spending time talking to someone less fortunate, comforting them and helping with their emotional needs.
This song came to me when I was at a stoplight and saw a man with a sign that said "why lie I need beer". I thought to myself does he need a beer or someone who cares? We all wonder will that person use the money for more drugs, beer or something to help themself get off the streets.
When you are all alone "A friend is worth more then GOLD". Think of these words next time see someone in need and ask yourself "HOW CAN I HELP..."
Verse 1
Theres a man on the street with a sign that read, 'HUNGRY FOR FOOD-can you spare some CHANGE'?
I think to myself, "If I could spare some change, Id be a millionaire!" So I just walk away.
I wonder what hed do with a bill in his hand-would he spend it on his family or a bottle of gin?
Feeling kinda guilty bout my pessimistic side, I reach into my pocket and its there that I find
Chorus 1
Theres a hole in my pocketTheres a hole in my pocketTheres a hole in my pocket
It aint my day. Some lucky soul just got rich that way.
Verse 2
A lady with a shopping cart filled to the brim shes got, GLASS AND PLASTIC BOTTLES and ALUMINIUM CANS. Something from the sidewalk catches her eyeShe reaches down and screams, "There is a Lord in the sky! I cant believe my eyes, what a wonderful surprise." Its a good day just to be alive
Chorus 2
But theres a hole in her pocketTheres a hole in her pocketTheres a hole in her pocket
It aint her day. Another lucky soul just got rich that way.
Your damned if you do, your damned if you dont .
The rich a getting richer while the poor keep getting poor.
A little conversation is a gesture of time.
And time is worth more than money can buy.
Chorus 3
If theres a hole in your pocketIf theres a hole in your pocketIf theres a hole in your pocket
You aint got no spare change, sometimes a simple conversation is all that it takes.
Get rich quick that way.
Verse 3
A rich man on the boardwalk, paying no mind-to another saying, "Excuse me sirYou dropped some
He says, "I aint got time for you bum, now get out of my face!" His hatred was written all over the place.
Chorus 4
But theres a hole in his pocketTheres a hole in his pocketTheres a hole in his pocket
Its always been that way. He never bothered to look around to notice the change.
I dont think he missed it anyways.
Is there a hole in your pocketIs there a hole in your pocketIs there a hole in your pocket?
All rights reserved Ó 1997
Stacy Conery