Story Behind the Song
In 1990, a run down old frat house (corner of Toomer St. and Magnolia St.) was plowed to the ground in Auburn, AL. Along with it, a huge tree (as old as the "Toomer Corner" tree) was cut down as well.
In protest, we called a WEGL (campus radio station) talk show about it.
Savin' the Toomer Tree
It seems a shame that I would see
that crappy old house from history
torn down, destoryed, for a parking lot
at least we got a dishwasher
But even worse, I can't believe
they tore down the Toomer Tree!
So I called W-E-G-L
and told them my sad tale.
The tree was bigger than life
Hmm, at least I thought it was
Every day on my way to class
I'd step over it's broken branches
Oxygen, sunshine, birds, squirrels,
all had a home there...