Story Behind the Song
this song was writen pre the turn of the millennium with thoughts of what could of happened. The song was written in Bill Watsons studio in El Campo Texas , it took about an hour and a half to write the words the music was written along with some pre words by the musicians and that is why the credits are devided .Well work togeather as a band and are willing to perform shows at a price.this song whas recorded in live as it was happening . the words where easy to add latter
Its out of controll! Brilliant minds say, The Bug is gonna get you!
you cant get away!
The Bugs in your future 2 digits locked it in.Times running
out and its flying like the wind.
(chorus ) The Bug is gonna get you, Bill told me so
The Bug is gonna get you! the Bug gonna get you! "UGH"
Run for your life! dig a deep hole, The Millennium Bug is out of control!
Lights going down, Food can go bad ,store shelfs will be bare,
life will be sad.
New years light 1999,Will be a nightmare for all of man kind!
(chorus)Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide, The Millennium Bug, Won't be denied!
Take me serious." I told you Bill said", Theres no time left, We could all be dead.
Is the sky really falling, Will your PC shut down? Will you listen to Bill, or you wont be around!
Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide,the Millennium Bug won't be denied,The Bug gonna get you, The Bug gonna get you, UGH!
Its the event of the Century! Will you be there? You better beware!
Someone should have known better, Didn't anyone Know?
must be a part of a" Master show"!
What do you do with your money? will the stock markets crash?
If theres a cash flow problem how long will it last?
Do you need a months worth of groceries?, "hidden away", automatic weapons! Brother you better pray!
PC's shut down, Listen to Bill or we won't be around!
The Bugs gonna get you,nothing you can do are you prepared when it comes for you.
What about gas? what about banks? what about the military? The planes, and the tanks?
What about phones? what about lights? What about lawyers? And all of our rights?
Better take notes and do what you can. Dont be like an Ostrich!, With his head in the sand!
Times running out! there's no where to go.The Bugs gonna get you! it won't let go! (SPEAKER) PHILLIP HAYES
The papers would say, " the scientests now have set the clock, "The DOOMSDAY CLOCK", They call it!
We see China, We see all of these great powers, Amen, In confusion, And bewilderment! Because man does not know what to do!
If there ever was a time we are living in the end! It is the time we are living right Now! Because we are nearing the end time.
One of the Prophets spoke of the end time and said, "There shall be light in the evening time".
In a time of gloominess, And darkness. See the end time suggests that where its a time of gloom, Doom, Darkness. Time of destruction! A time of the end. And yes it is all those things! " BUT THERE IS HOPE IN THE END TIME"!
For the profits say; "In the last days", "In the EVENING TIME"!