Story Behind the Song
pHead in New York says:
"Makes me wish I was there when this was recorded. At the bar of course, Mike needs a wife and I need a drink. Really conveys the essence of a dark, seedy bar in nowhere or Denver (same thing). Some nobodies you never saw before, telling you your whole life story from the corner of the room. Very Kerouac, Velvet Underground, Allan Ginsberg beat-gen thing in this song. Would be better-than-fantastic in the right movie. This is an mp3 I'll download and keep.
Mike Needs A Wife
"As you well know, for all you single people, which is just me...
So I walk into this bar, and I see this woman, and she looks very attractive..."
Yeah, she walks into the room, and she was so surprised
Then she walks up to the bar and she askes me for a light
And I said, "Well you see, I'm workin behind this bar, and I gotta
serve drinks and I'm mixing drinks, so... what the fuck you want?!"
She said, "I'm lookin for a man", and I said:
"Well Mike needs a wife. That guy right there, Mike needs a wife!"
So she walks over to this guy, and puts her arm around his shoulder and
she looks him straight in the eye, she says, "What are you doin? Tonight?"
Mike gets this funny look on his face and they start to go
I grab her at once and I said, "No no no no! You don't get it." I said:
"Mike needs a WIFE! Hmmm, yeah, Mike needs a WIFE. Ohhh..."
So I destroyed his whole evening.
She turned to me and she tipped her hat and said, "Call me - Goodbye."
"I figured I'd get your number, I'd call ya, we'd go out two or three times,
third or fourth time, you know, we'd make love in the morning, then we'd
get married and then we'll have kids, and I'll find you with another man or
you'll find me with another woman, OH FOR THE CHILDREN'S SAKE!"
(c) 1999-2000 Stu Dio Productions