Story Behind the Song
This song is about this kid Billy Millard. He is very relgious yet he always makes fun of others at school, and smokes Black N Milds. Oh yes, and he is also part of the NDA (National Dart Association)
Billy is this guy and he goes to Jesuit highschool.
Billy is this guy and he thinks he is cool.
He has his ears pierced, yes he does.
Both his ears, and he ???.
He's part of the NDA and that's the National Dart Association, 1 2 lets go!
Billy Millard, you know who you are, you are a fake, a phony , a wannabe.
You wear WWJD on your bracelet but you really, HATE YOURSELF!
1 2 ready go.
You think you're think you rule the school. (x4)