Story Behind the Song
In modern day terms, a princess, sick and tired of living a royal life with all it's protocols and social snobbery, decides she wants to become a performer; an entertainer, and leave home to sing on the stage. She wants to be a prima donna, not a princess anymore. Meredith Ryan Packer, a young, coloratura beauty aldo desired to be a prima donna and sing on the stage. She adopted this song as her theme since she wanted what the princess wanted.
Mamma is a queen and papa is a king
and I am a princess and I know it.
But court etiquette is a dull, dreary thing,
I just hate it all, and I show it.
To sing on the stage, that's the one life for me,
My figure's just like tetrazzini.
I know I'd win fame if I sang in Boheme;
That opera by Signor Puccini.
I've roulades and the trills, that would send the cold chills
Down the backs of all hearers of my vocal frills.
I long to be a prima donna, donna, donna.
I long to shine upon the stage;
I have the embonpoint to become a queen of song,
And my figure would look pretty as a page.
I want to be a screechy, peachy, cantatrice
Like other plump girls that I see.
I hate society,
I hate propriety,
Art is calling for me!
I'm in the elite and men sigh at my feet,
Still I do not fancy my position;
I have not much use for the men that I meet,
I quite burn with lyric ambition.
Those tenors so sweet, if they made eyes at me,
I'd be a success, that I do know.
And Melba I'd oust, if I once sang in Faust,
That opera so charming by Gounod.
Girls would be on the brink of hysterics, I think,
Even strong men would have to go out for a drink.
I long to be a prima donna, donna, donna.
I long to shine upon the stage;
With my avoirdupois and my tra-la-la-la-la,
I would be the chief sensation on the age.
I long to hear them shouting, "Viva to the diva,"
Oh very lovely that must be,
That's what I'm dying for,
That's what I'm sighing for,
Art is calling for me.