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    "The Exorcist"  Parental Advisorygenre: Satire
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    An exorcism during a storm in Hong Kong unexpectedly leads to the hiring of a TV weather presenter
    CD: Double Take Double CD   Label: Media Bank
    Credits: Barry Bakker as the butler and Mr Miller, Vaughan Savidge as Jennifer's mother and the demon, and Warwick Evans as Father McKenzie

    Story Behind the Song
    Hong Kong's TV weather presenters are, by and large, not the best in the world. Unkind people have been known to remark that even a demon from hell could do a better job. So maybe it's time the TV stations changed their recruiting methods.

    (Noise of thumping and banging going on behind closed doors)

    Father McKenzie's here, along with the man from the TV.

    Oh Father, thank goodness you've come. We don't know what to do. Poor Jennifer! The girl's possessed by some dreadful demonic force.

    Where is she?

    In there, Father. But please be careful. She's got the very devil in her, and violent too. We're at our wit's end.

    Stand back. We're going in. Mr. Miller, we could both be in mortal danger. Exorcisms are always full of the unexpected. Are you sure you want to go through with this?

    Well, the station has a great interest in this particular case. I've really no choice Father.

    May the Lord protect us in our blessed work! Open the door!

    (mayhem inside girl's room)

    Now then, young lady, you can begin by coming down from the ceiling and telling us straight out just who the bloody hell you think you are.

    We? ...We are legion. From the slime that was your ancestors to the very sentinels of hell itself. We shall destroy you, priest - you and your poxy TV producer.

    And what about Jennifer. Is she in there with you? You don't need her. Why don't you let her go?

    Keep away priest. The sow is mine!

    That's amazing. Did you hear that, Father?

    She said "the sow is mine."

    No, no, that's not the way I heard it. It sounded to me like "Macao is fine." Anyway, it'll do. It was close enough. The important thing is the girl's got personality. Now all we have to do is get her to the TV studios by 8:25. Ignore the green vomit! That will wash off. And you can forget the exorcism.

    Huh. Are you crazy? This daughter of Satan is hell bent on destroying the pair of us.

    I know. But what else can we do? It's not easy finding a girl capable of reading the weather on Hong Kong TV. And the truth of it is she's a damn sight more lively and presentable than the ones on air at the moment.

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