Story Behind the Song
2000 is a love song to an unfaithful lover. No one knew what to expect with the dawning of the new millennium. And it seemed an important moment to reflect back on all that had preceded.
Accordingly, I penned the words to this song in October 1998, lost it, had to rewrite the last verse, and was able to perform it only three times in December of 1999. Essentially I missed the boat. Moreover, this being the first recording I have ever made, it suffers from all those deficiencies.
Still, I stand by the sentiments, every ugly chord, every disrupted rhythm and every outrageous progression as expressing something of that unflinching dread that we all felt at the very cusp of this new age.
Are you the end of time,
Or, chance, a beginning?
We've journeyed the longest way
To see this day
Kiss the earth.
Blazing through quantum states,
Both greed and virtue as traits,
What fortune still holds our fates,
As we carry on?
Love and honor
Drench the days gone by.
Bearing on down this track,
For all we have or we lack,
There can be no turning back
Now that we are here.
Love and honor
Drench the days gone by.
Bearing on down this track,
For all we have or we lack,
There can be no turning back
Now that we are here.
There can be no turning back
Now that we are here.