Have you heard the Good News about God my Savior?
Have you heard about Jesus Christ?
Who died for you and He rose again
In a one-time sacrifice?
Now He gives new life
To the dead in spirit,
And He heals the blind and deaf.
And those who believe
And call on his name,
Will never taste death.
Open your eyes and see
The Salvation of the Lord our God.
He sent His only Son, to die for you and to pay your debts.
He’s comin’ back again to judge the world and to meet His friends and
Those that do the Father’s will.
Now Jesus was born a man, born in Bethlehem.
He was raised up Jewish, and He never sinned,
Unlike other men.
That is why we can come to Him,
To forgive us of our faults.
And if you hear His voice inside,
You know the One to call . . .
This might seem like Good News to you,
And this might seem like a curse.
But if His voice is calling you,
Don’t let it get much worse.
We all know that He’s comin’ back,
And if you die it’s too late.
So choose the Way and the Truth and Life,
And turn from sin and hate.