Story Behind the Song
The motivation of this song is a little complicated. We go to a tough prep school and we don't get the best of grades, and most of the women there only dig a book worm. That's where the Rhodes Scholar part comes in. "If I was a Rhodes Scholar, I'd get blown, every day, If I was a Rhodes Scholar, hot chicks would get in my way." Don't know how Bill Clinton got involved in this song... but he is.
The government is screwed, can't afford good lunch food, Bill Clinton isn't prude, the ain't an intern that hasn't been screwed!
If I was a Rhodes Scholar, I'd get blown every day, If I was a Rhodes Scholar, hot chicks would, get in my way.
Monica wasn't lying, she was, really kneeling, before Mr. Clinton, with the stain on the ceiling.
If I was a Rhodes Scholar, I'd get blown every day, If I was a Rhodes Scholar, hot chicks would, get in my way.