Story Behind the Song
The Arthurian legend of Tristan and Iseult, which is told in original words and music on our CD, is filled with intrigue and mystery. In "Spellsong", Queen Iseult of Ireland prepares a potion which is to be drunk by her daughter Princess Iseult and King Mark of Cornwall, ensuring that they will fall in love and thus seal the union of the two warring nations.
This song was one of the last we recorded. We were always certain that we wanted it to convey a sense of mystery and power. We finally settled on a strong synth bass and electric guitar, backing multi-layered, shimmering vocal harmonies, with the whole being underlain by the throbbing drums one might expect to hear during the weaving of a powerful spell.
The eerie intro conjures images of circles cast, powers tapped and forces unleashed; we hope that the whole piece conveys a sense of joy, magic and the unknown.
Chorus: I call on the East, the power of air,
And I call on the South, the power of fire,
And I call on the West for the waters of life,
And to Earth in the North in the pale moonlight.
Earth, air, water, fire. Earth, air, water, fire.
Chant the spell and build the flame up higher.
Walking nine times 'round the circle of light
And we build up the flame to make day out of night
And then we look to the Lady who answers the call
And we search for the power within us all.
Lighting the candles and ringing the bell
As we're stirring the cauldron and chanting the spell
And we are lifted in flight and our wings are unfurled
And we're building the power to change the world.
Raise up the sword as the chalice is passed
And we share in the joy of the spell we have cast
And we're together in spirit, we're part of the plan
And we're bound by the sign of the pentagram.
I call on the East, the power of air,
And I call on the South, the power of fire,
And I call on the West for the waters of life,
And to Earth in the North in the pale moonlight.
Lane Lambert: vocals, keyboard
Patrick Chambers: Electric guitar, synth bass, synth percussion