Story Behind the Song
This song was written about seven years ago with the bassist from his former band Satyriasis. He gave Jess the first line and told him to rewrite it. Then Joe rearranged the lyrics while Jess rearranged the arrangement. And there it was; Mother's Dying or MD 20/20. Thank you and goodnight.
I feel so strung out. I feel so played out. Sometimes, I feel like this ragged out guitar; left out in the rain for days. Twenty months and forty hours, I've been down in this hole. Dark clouds circle above me. Satan's come for my soul.
Skies of love falling down.
Nothing we can do, nothing's gonna change her view.
Becoming decayed.
Why do all good things fade away...
All alone, on the gentle Earth she makes her home.
Morning sun, not sure if it'll ever come.
See the trees, smoke blowing in the breeze.
Here it come, here comes the morning sun.
Cold is the night, against the wind she's forced to fight.
Setting sun, not sure if it will come.
Hardly born, on this brutal earth she's told to learn.
Here it comes, here comes the setting sun.
Now Mother's cold, if you could only hold her close to you.
Yeah, there she goes, walking in the night alone.
Never led, her life a dirty river bed.
There she goes, she's walking in the night alone.
In her darkest night, she knows there'll be no morn.
If she saw the day, there'd be a shotgun in her shoulder blade.
Yeah, yeah. Here it comes, here comes the shotgun!
She spies the west, she knows that's where she'll get her rest.
Mother's dying, and all this time she's only lying.
Here's the daughter, the daughter of the ancient water.
Here comes Mother's lies.
She spies the east, the moon rises for her feast.
Her voice was leather, when Mother said it would get better.
She sees the sun, and she knows that she has come undone.
Here it comes, here comes better days...
And now I now the better light of day.
I look to the sky and see the clouds faded away.
I confide in myself, it's gonna be okay.
Why does it always end this way?
Does it always end this way?